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Having shot aerial and ground photography from Europe to the Middle East and throughout the United States, Hollow Studios has the experience to put Productions together efficiently and cost-effectively to create the most powerful imagery for your project.


From HD productions to projects utilizing 6K imagery at 60 frames per second for a destination Dome Theater with motion base-seats, Hollow has a robust pipeline to handle the most complex projects today.


Our experience in Media Based Rides and Attractions positions us uniquely as a go-to company for combining the motion picture experience with programmed motion-base seating, if needed.


With the explosion of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality experiences, Hollow Studios is committed to staying on top of these exciting new areas of technology. We have just completed two projects for Cedar Fair and The Hettema Group and are currently in pre-production on several other projects.

Whether your project is a short Virtual Reality Presentation or a full-blown Theme Park experience, we can help provide all that is needed to help you create something truly masterful.


Hollow Studios’ team has decades of experience in producing live action projects, from feature films, music videos and tv shows to movies of the week. Early on, we became keenly aware that creating powerful Visual Effects can help take a project to the next level. From CGI Creatures and environments to so-called, “invisible effects,” we have the resources necessary to enhance any project. With our close proximity to Hollywood, we have access to some of the best artists available, giving us the edge needed to bring great ideas to life.


With an early love of Walt Disney Studios’ animation, Hollow Studios’ founder Dave Love never forgot his early fascination with creating the illusion of life. Utilizing the the talent of traditional art and cutting edge computer generated animation, the company can create animated projects customized to fit your needs. With animation, your imagination truly knows no bounds. If you can imagine it, we’ll be able to bring it to reality– from a short form commercial to a 3D Stereoscopic Ride, Attraction or Feature Film.

What do you envision?

Our artists can take your imagination and create something beautiful to visually communicate your story and ideas.

Do you need a “Stylized”or “Photo-Real” look?

Our CG designers can create the perfect branded characters for your project.

Flight Rider Facade
Tomb Trailer

First Place Winner Best Exhibit, IAAPA Attractions Expo.

Hollow  4D Trailer
Are you looking for a turn-key attraction?

We can do that as well, by creating a complete Media Based Attraction for any venue. Dome Theater, Motion Theater, Dark Ride, Simulator and much more!